Seaweed continued 海藻・のり続き

I talked about seaweed on August 6.

(8月6日にのり [seaweed] の話をしました。)

When people hear seaweed, they usually imagine the one that is used for a Sushi roll.


However, seaweed originally means the plants that grow in the sea (some in rivers).


As the matter of fact, weeds mean unwanted plants that grow in your gardens or on the roadside.


Therefore, some people call those marine plants sea vegetables instead.

(ですからのりなどの海藻を [雑草という意味のweedではなく] sea vegetable [海の野菜] と呼ぶ人達もいます。)

Seaweeds are nutritious and rich in fiver. Let’s eat more seaweeds!
